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Customer Loyalty – How to Obtain it

Points cards, attractive discounts, targeted promotional emails – some merchants bring out the heavy artillery to build customer loyalty. Is providing unequaled customer experience sufficient to accomplish this? Here’s how to go about it, with simple and practical actions. A company’s success obviously depends on its ability to attract new customers, to renew itself and to […]

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How to Succeed on Your First Day in the Company?

While some people are excited about their first day on the job, others can be more nervous or even awkward. To give the best initial impression possible to your superior and new colleagues, look at the tips below and avoid putting yourself under unnecessary pressure, by reminding yourself that in the end your D-Day is […]

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How to Preserve your Professional Image on Social Media

Your online presence is now almost as important as your physical presence. Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn… How do you protect and preserve your professional image on social media? According to studies, the figure varies but it is estimated that the percentage of employers who take the time to inspect the social media presence of their candidates […]

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How to Bounce Back After a No from a Client?

Has a prospect just told you No? So what! All seasoned sellers will tell you that the sale begins when the prospect says No. It is rare to get a Yes from a prospect at the first try. To convince him, it is usually necessary to follow-up. Three, five, sometimes ten times. Obviously, your motivation […]

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How to Manage Cultural Differences With Foreign Customers

Are some of your customers in China or India? Tomorrow will you be receiving future partners who come from another country? How should you approach a meeting, negotiations or signing contracts? How should cultural differences be managed to avoid offending your counterpart? Here are some tips on how to manage cultural differences with foreign customers. […]

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Lights on Selling in the Luxury Industry

Selling in the luxury industry is one of the only sectors that does not experience crises. The figures are not declining and all reports reflect prospects of growth. Coco Chanel, Louis Cartier, Albert Lancel were not merely innovative creators. The brands that they created have survived them because they were also pioneers in marketing. The […]

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Do you have to be an extrovert to be a good sales representative?

It is often thought that an extrovert makes a better sales representative by his ease in communicating, self-confidence and persuasive ability. But is this really the case or is it just conventional wisdom? Having the gift of the gab, being communicative and energetic are often the qualities that come to mind when we think of […]

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Unplugging from work ! Time for vacation has published a list of 10 tips for forgetting all about work, to help you unplugging from work and take full advantage of your vacation In this era of smartphones, portable computers and iPads, it’s difficult to resist the temptation to check your messages at any time, wherever you are. With these wonderful, convenient new […] network